I love this take on ai - it is different than the normal fear mongering content, more thoughtful and insightful.

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Thanks for reading, I do feel like most people are just trying to tamp down the persistent hum of AI anxiety and just racing to adapt and adopt at this point. But if I pause enough to think why I’m working extra hard these days, some threads lead back to AI.

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I loved how your article explained something a lot of us are feeling, but didn't have the words yet. It feels like our emotions are manufactured in an advertisement and distilled into our digital identities.

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It's something we all seem to subconsciously feel right? That our time is not ours - it's loaned out to us from new expectations. I loved your piece.

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Jevons Paradox is an excellent description of what you beautifully highlight in the article. Both the paradox and your article help put words to what I feel lately.

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