This is excellent — so thorough. Thank you for writing it.

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Excellent article. thank you.

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This was awesome. So useful and thorough. It really does seem like a quaint time back in the early days of IG before everything and everyone went buck wild.

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Absolutely loved this. I wrote about a similar sensation on Black Friday on brands that were more intentional and less “loud” with their marketing and how it stood out to me. These examples are spot on

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Agree bazillion percent with Zara Wong. Excellent, thorough writing with superb examples. Thank you for these insights! <IMMEDIATELY hits SUBSCRIBE>

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I laughed with this “only to create these supposedly “inspiring stories” following some tired, tired template of interviews + montage, pandering to the lowest common denominator of audiences”.

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This was excellent! Looking forward to Part 2!

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Great read, looking forward to the next one!

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Can’t wait for part 2!!

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This! We forget that we’re people/consumers too. The attention crisis impacts our approach to marketing not just because we’re targeting impatient people with short attention spans, but because we’re also those people. Love the Calm and Tracksmith examples - the best marketing happens when brands throw out the playbook entirely and start from scratch, driven by intuition, research, passion and patience.

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